
Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Lt. Frederick Fell & the California National Guard.

UPDATE: "...whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto Me." RobertInWisconsin has a great post up at DK about Edgar Hollingsworth.


  • Hey Macswain,
    Long time no see... I've been reading you but not commenting for a while.

    I just wanted to let you know that our old buddy RightWingSparkle is on another banning rampage after "trolls" were thoroughly trouncing her for her racist diatribe about "black poverty".

    She had changed commenting systems, and was allowing all commenters for a while, but when the completely respectful and much more polite "lefties" were cleaning her clock in debate, she decided to switch back to halo scan so she could ban based on ip addresses. After she banned everyone, she then started to claim people were being "hateful" and "disrespectful", and then all of her old buddies started with the unfettered lefty hating they're so famous for.

    I know we shouldn't even care, but I think this is a turning point in left/right rhetoric. And the stagnation of the conservative blogosphere (conservative growth over the last few months <8%, progressive growth >40%) indicates we're winning the debate.

    No one seems to be listening to her kind of crap anymore (or at least the only audience is the same tired old freepers), while more and more are catching on to what we've been saying all along.

    Keep up the good work!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:01 AM  

  • ww,

    Good to hear from you & thanks for the update. I was aware of her "disappearing" of comments in the past and know that the targets aren't just offensive comments but those proving her wrong as well as her own false statements.

    I took a peek at the RWS site and saw the mass censorship she is currently engaging in. Apparently she can't walk the walk when it comes to the "Golden Rule." Too funny.

    By Blogger Macswain, at 11:02 AM  

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