The Nigerian Election Fraud
Given that we have green-lighted the gaming of elections, is it any wonder that Nigeria's recent vote was so horribly rigged.
Chris McGreal at the Guardian has the full story.
Here are a couple of choice passages. The first of outgoing President Obasanjo (who's party won the fraudulent election):
Sounds just like a Bush Republican.
And here's the glorious response of the United States:
In other words "Democracy Schemocracy - our guy won!"
Chris McGreal at the Guardian has the full story.
Here are a couple of choice passages. The first of outgoing President Obasanjo (who's party won the fraudulent election):
The outgoing president, Olusegun Obasanjo, acknowledged fraud and other "lapses" in the vote but said the result reflected opinion polls. In a national television address he added that if Nigerians do not like his handpicked successor's victory they will have an opportunity to vote again in four years.
Sounds just like a Bush Republican.
And here's the glorious response of the United States:
The US state department said the elections were flawed, "and in some cases deeply flawed", but said it was not calling for a rerun.
In other words "Democracy Schemocracy - our guy won!"
Lib's like you, Macwain, need to stop focusing on stories like these so that we can concentrate on more important things like bringing democracy to the Middle East.
Anonymous, at 4:09 PM
Okay, Steven... Give me a step by step plan on bringing democracy in the middle east. Begin now... I'm listening. i want you to take the situation as it stands right now, and walk us through to the end. Make it logical and viable. Do that, and we'll talk bro.
Kyle E. Moore, at 4:44 PM
I'd like someone to bring democracy to Fla and Ohio
Anonymous, at 10:10 PM
Thankss for writing this
Home Renovation Champaign, at 12:52 AM
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