
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Federalist Society Pukes Give Standing O to Leaker Rove

The Federalist Society - a group whose philosophy is nearly the antithesis of the founding fathers who called themselves Federalists - showed you everything you need to know about their view of America.

They gave a standing ovation to a man who revealed the confidential identity of an undercover CIA operative and then lied about it.

How can any Democrat or moderate Republican vote to confirm a man to the U.S. Supreme Court that hails from this pathetic group. A group that places corporate freedom above individual freedom. Hamilton, Madison and Jay must be rolling in their graves.


  • Macswain:

    You write:

    "How can any Democrat or moderate Republican vote to confirm a man to the U.S. Supreme Court that hails from this pathetic group?"

    Isn't that guilt by association, precisely the tactic right wingers engage in far to often?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:40 AM  

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