
Saturday, December 17, 2005

Bullshit: Bush's Explanation of Warrantless Searches

The rightwing whackos keep justifying Bush's warrantless spying on U.S. citizens on National Securitry grounds; Al Qaeda in particular. Yet, we already have FISA courts to issue rapid and even retroactive warrants for just this purpose. In fact, I think the FISA courts have only ever denied one warrant request. So national security can’t legitimately be the motivation.

The Bushies must be after something beyond what you could get with a FISA warrant.

So can a single righty who supoports this gross violation of the United States Constitution explain exactly why Bush needs these warrantless searches above and beyond what can be done through a FISA warrant?

Because every rationale given so far does not justify going around the FISA courts.


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