We Are All Classified ... The NSA Wiretap Cover-Up
At the Daily Kos, bewert filed a FOIA request to the NSA "...for any records, including electronic intercepts, that include or are related to the following names, screen names, e-mail addresses and/or phone numbers...", listing his personal name and contact info.
The NSA denied the request stating: "[B]ecause of the highly classified nature of the program, we can neither confirm or deny the existence of records responsive to your request. The fact of the existence or the non-existence of responsive records is a currently and properly classified matter in accordance with Executive Order 12958, as amended."
This is "1984" type of shit. We are all now classified and our society is no longer transparent.
It's hard to believe that the Bush administration would go to these lengths if there wasn't something damaging to them politically to keep hidden.
The NSA denied the request stating: "[B]ecause of the highly classified nature of the program, we can neither confirm or deny the existence of records responsive to your request. The fact of the existence or the non-existence of responsive records is a currently and properly classified matter in accordance with Executive Order 12958, as amended."
This is "1984" type of shit. We are all now classified and our society is no longer transparent.
It's hard to believe that the Bush administration would go to these lengths if there wasn't something damaging to them politically to keep hidden.
Do you really think the chimp, rove, vice, et al have more scruples than the Nixon crowd?
Why the surprise? Like any bully, this administration's first order of business is preserving their power, and retaliating against perceived challenges to that power.
BTW, was the word "Macswain" among the words requested?
Anonymous, at 9:14 AM
Macswain: Two questions:
1) whose words are these?
2) do you have a response?
"With all their hysteria about Valerie Plame, I had nearly forgotten what the Democratic Party stands for. It's good to be reminded that the sole item on the Democrats' agenda is abortion.
According to Dianne Feinstein, Roe vs. Wade is critically important because 'women all over America have come to depend on it.' At its most majestic, this precious right that women 'have come to depend on' is the right to have sex with men they don't want to have children with.
There's a stirring principle! Leave aside the part of this precious constitutional right that involves (1) not allowing Americans to vote on the matter, and (2) suctioning brains out of half-born babies. The right to have sex with men you don't want to have children with is not exactly 'Give me liberty, or give me death.'"
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM
Congratulations on receiving over 20 comments yesterday on your Roberts thread. Unfortunately, about 15 were devoted to what a fucked up dude rolly is.
I reiterate my request for a rolly-only thread.
Anonymous, at 9:30 AM
"Yikes" Rolly
Anonymous, at 10:41 AM
Your "yikes" comment makes me understand you a little better:
Anonymous, at 12:11 PM
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